Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Time

4 Generations....
 Grandma Helen and Great-Grandma Janice came out and we went on a walk around the neighborhood. We are happy that the weather is getting warmer because Westen likes to be outside.

Baby Shower......
 Our friends threw Westen a baby shower a week ago. There was a ton of yummy (and very pretty) food and lots of bright fun decorations.
 Thanks for Amanda for letting us invade your house!

 On Easter weekend, we went out to Branden's parents house for lunch and an Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Bunny brought Westen and Easter Bucket with books, balls, a summer outfit, and toys. 
 Grandma Colleen also gave Westen an Easter onesie that he wore to the Easter party.
 On Easter Sunday, Mommy made Westen a cute little springy Easter outfit for church. He got lots of compliments on his cute little bow-tie and suspenders. After church we went out to a luncheon with Branden's extended family.

Thanksgiving Pointe.....
 Last week our neighbors invited us to go to Thanksgiving Pointe with them to walk around the gardens. They were getting ready for the Tulip Festival and there were lots of pretty flowers in bloom.  It was too bright for Westen to open his eyes for a picture though.....

Baby Shower #3.....
 I have really awesome friends where I work. They organized a baby shower for us just a few days ago. Westen and I drove into Salt Lake to my work for the festivities. I was overwhelmed by the amount of people that came. I can't believe how many people gave the little man presents too. It was really sweet. A cute little grandma at my work made him this diaper cake. Branden wanted a here it is in all its glory.

Blake's Birthday.....
Blake turned 2 this last week, so this weekend we went to his birthday party. We at pizza and cake and then we went swimming. The little monkey just got his bum wet in the swing and then sat on mommy's lap in the water for a few minutes. Then grandma rescued him while mommy and daddy played with Blake in the water. Just for the record...he is almost 3 months old and he is wearing a 6-9 month swim suit and swim shirt :)