Sunday, July 29, 2012

First Haircut!

Westen got his first haircut! He has always had a few really long hairs on the top of his head and it was sad to see them go, but it was time.
 He did such a good job!
 Now he will look handsome for our Adoption finalization (tomorrow!!), our Sealing next Saturday and his baby blessing next Sunday!
 Thanks for my handsome haircut Amber!

Bear Lake & Crawling!

Over the 24th-of-July Weekend, Westen and I went to Bear Lake with Grandma Helen and our friends.
 Grandma bought Westen a water floaty toy. She took him out in the shallow water and let him float around. He had a good time in the water...but it all proved to be too much and he fell asleep in his floaty.
 After falling asleep in the water, his little bum needed to air out. We love this picture. He has a cute little smirk.
He liked being "free" so much that we let him hang out for a bit without his clothes. (This is Westen's babysitter Kim, who is also one of our really good friends).
 We also took Westen's Play Nest and he laid in there and played and when he got sleepy, that is where he had his naps at the beach.
Grandma Helen helped us a lot on our trip! With our daddy out of town we needed some extra hands. Thanks Grandma!
We were going to camp with our friends, but Daddy had to go out of town, so mommy and Westen stayed with Grandma Helen and Great-Grandma Janice at Great Grandma's house in Fish Haven, ID near the lake. Every day we took a walk up and down the lane. Westen really liked being outside and only fell asleep once on our walks.
A few days after we got home from our trip, Westen started crawling! He still does lots of rolling too. He also grabs onto rolling + grabbing blankets and toys = baby burrito.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Camping and Boating with Boys, Oh My!

This weekend we went on a last-minute camping trip to the very tropical and beautiful.....UTAH LAKE!
Branden got a wakeboard for Christmas last year, so he was really excited to try it out.
 Melanee's more of a tube person, so she played with the kids on the tube.
An attempt to stand up on the tube....
Westen was such a good boy at camp. He didn't cry once the whole weekend (except when he was hungry at 3a.m.)
 He is getting so dang big!
And he is such a happy baby.
We camped near the lake in a campground. Our friends set up their awesome tents and we camped in our new trailer.
Since we were so close to home, Westen hung out with Grandma Helen and Grandma Leah while mommy and daddy went boating.
He looked so dang cute in his little swimming that hat!
 He is so chubby and doesn't have a neck, so his life jacket was a little snug....but he did so well on the boat.
He didn't seem to mind being stuffed into the life jacket, but we didn't press our luck and only took him out for a hour or so.
 On Monday, Branden went fishing with his dad and uncle. He left at 4a.m. and mommy and Westen slept right through it all.
When daddy got home, he had to pose with some of his fish and his little monkey.

Randon Picture Post

 Westen loves his baby food. He eats all flavors and eats it fast!
Audrey came to visit us a few weeks ago. Westen was showing off some new holding his bottle.
 Westen naps in the morning soon after he wakes up for the day (which is really weird), so on the weekends, he "sleeps in" with daddy.
 At night-time, his daddy reads him a book before bed. This night, he got in a comfy cuddle with his daddy :)
On June 22, we went to the new outdoor mall, City Creek, in SLC. Westen and mommy cooled off in the fountain.
 Our little bowlegged baby tried to stand up with his cute baby camo keens on.
 The reason we were in SLC was for Mel's cousin Kristi's wedding. Westen burped really loud half-way through the grooms song performance....was actually really funny.
Mel's uncle Rick (Richard Cleveland) is an amazing artist. We comissioned his skills for something a little simpler than he's used to painting. He painted a teddy bear in Mel's room when she was little, so we were excited when he agreed to paint a mural for Westen's room.

It's almost done, I just have to paint the giraffe, Elephant and Zebra's eyes and mouths. Turned out cute!